Are you trying to please everybody?

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

– Bill Cosby

Working hard at trying to please everybody else is basically a ‘set up’, because there is not way that you can please everyone.  No matter what you do someone is going to be upset, disappointed, frustrate, or fed up with you, so just give up on that one even before you frustrate yourself any further.

Do yourself and your future a favor… stop trying to please everybody else. I’ve learned that the only person to be trying to please in life is God, and I mean after all isn’t His opinion the one that matters most in the end??!?!?!?!?!?


A littel bit of this… a little bit of that!!!

A little bit of this… and a little bit of that… makes a whole lot of SOMETHING! Only you can determine what that whole lot of ‘something’ will be.

I just want to encourage you to keep on doing whatever positive and productive things you are doing because even small steps (as little and insignificant as they might seem) are still STEPS that after a while will lead you to something BIG!!


Don’t be discouraged

So I woke up this morning and was reflecting on a little ‘disappointment’ that I recently experienced.  I expected to get a positive response regarding a possible new opportunity/venture, and instead of hearing ‘yes’ or even a ‘no’ I heard nothing!!! (enter surprised emoticon)

Well as I began getting ready for work today and I reflected I began to feel sad, and even felt a bit of discouragement creeping in, but right as things started to feel negative I stopped my mind from even going any further and said aloud ‘Listen Colleen… what’s for you…. IS FOR YOU!!!’ and then a scripture popped into my head/heart: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path” Proverbs 3:5   One thing that I know for sure is that I trust in God, and even in that moment my faith in God was being tested and I had the opportunity to either continue thinking negative and discouraging thoughts… OR I would stop the negative thoughts and replace them with positive, encouraging and TRUTHFUL thoughts instead.

I’m so happy that I decided to do the later, as my day turned out to be a great great day, and although I’m still faced with not getting the answer that I was hoping for, I have been reminder that I am, and will continue to be JUST fine because I’m allowing God to direct my path, (by trusting in Him).

Thanks for the friendly reminder Lord!


watch that tongue

Give thy thoughts no tongue

–          William Shakespeare

Now I don’t know if I get ALL of what this quote is about, but when I read this I am reminded about the importance of keeping some thoughts as just that… THOUGHTS!!! And never giving them the ability to be heard … lol

I can think of times when I’ve shared thoughts and AS SOON as it leaves my lips I’ve wanted to take them back …. So I like this quote as a reminder that every thought doesn’t need to have expression!



mountains and valleys’ of life

A mountain needs a valley to be complete. The valley does not make the mountain less, but more. And the valley is more a valley because it has a mountain towering over it.

(I don’t have the reference for this statement, I read it on a post someone left on facebook)

This statement really resonated with me because I feel it’s so true.  Good and great things typically come with some challenge connected to it.  You can’t have one without the other!

So just another reminder that we need to ‘check’ ourselves and our situations and remember that the tough parts of life, go hand in hand with the GREAT parts.


Make a change

Life is too difficult when you spend it wishing and wanting everybody else to change.  My encouragement is that if YOU want change, then figure out how YOU can effect change yourself FULL STOP!

The only person you have control over is yourself… noooo one else, so stop complaining and whining about all of what you wish, want, think, and hope OTHER people should do differently, and focus on what YOU can do to improve your life….. Besides that’s the only thing you have the power to do anyhow, everything else is just a waste of breath AND energy.



2 Timothy  2:15

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth (New Amplified Standard Translation)

We are encouraged to make it a priority to work in a way that God would be pleased with us.  This kind of approval doesn’t happen accidently, it comes with intentionality, so my challenge for you today is: ‘what have you done today that is pleasing to God ?’


August 1, 2011

I can hardly believe that we are already in August.  We are more than half way through 2011… yikes!!! lol… It’s only natural to look at the calendar, see how time is progressing forward and think to yourself ‘hum… what have I done for 2011?’  Well my word of encouragement is that the year is still NOT over yet, and if you haven’t accomplished what you committed yourself to accomplishing this year it’s still not too lat to get going on achieving that goal.  The only way it’s going to get done though is if you recognize what ‘time’ it is, and get moving…

Sooooo…. get moving!



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